Day 1 - Universal Prayers
Day 2 - Guru Prayers
DAY 3 - vidyArdhi chEt tyajEt
Day 4 - utsAhaM sAhasaM
Day 5 - parOpakAra puNyAyA
Day 6 - vandE bhArata mAtaraM
Day 7 - sarvEshAm
Day 8 - Recap Shlokas 1 - 18
Day 9 - Recap Shlokas 19 - 36
Day 10 - Recap Shlokas 1 - 36

Why Should We Learn Shlokas?

Our Indian culture is rich in valuable learning tools. These tools are embedded in our literature in various forms. The most important and prominent among them is in the form of slokas from various sources.  I found 36 such slokas for you to use and learn from.

I think every one:

  • should be able to chant them with ease
  • must be able to narrate the meaning
  • understand the purpose behind the key words

The aim of this course is to enable such learning.

Why Should We Learn These Shlokas?

There are many reasons. Here are some:

  1. Learning slokas at a very early age helps you in tuning your vocal chords.
  2. Being able to chant the slokas will help you in speaking better and in developing a fine diction.
  3. The words used in these slokas convey rich ideas. Knowing these words, their meanings and their usage will certainly make you a person who is rich in ideas.
  4. Fully understanding the slokas will certain help in attaining some very high standards of thinking and living.